Thursday, June 24, 2010

From the Lovely Land of Jenna....

Can we talk for just a moment about how completely GORGE this is?? (Gorge is slang for "gorgeous", absolutely flippin' gorgeous; for all of you who are not familiar with my abbreviations yet. I know I'm not the first to coin it either so hopefully you've heard). These are shots from the home of J.Crew's own style director, Jenna Lyons. Jenna, dear, Jenna, darling, I love your home and will be borrowing ideas from it.

*Thank you to Architectural Digest for the images, especially the last one...I'm still drooling. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm really excited to have Stumbled Upon these Paper Fashions. This is much like what I used to do in college and now I suddenly have a violent urge to tear apart a phone book, destroy a thousand magazines or completely demolish any type of recyclable good in the name of sculptural fashion. This is stunning.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Forgiveness, Is More Than Saying Sorry...

Dear Chandelier Skies,

I'm sorry I have neglected you for 28 days. There is no excuse for my actions, but I will tell you this. I didn't write on you for most of May because I got "busy", I know, can you believe it? I found other things more important than blogging about shoes and patterned umbrellas! This was all made worse when my MacBook, which as of this moment I'm affectionately naming Maureen, (think Rent...stubborn and susceptible to a roller coaster of moods and emotions, likes & dislikes) decided to play games with me. She seems to really enjoy extensive, spinning pinwheels, where as I could never see the point of them outside of a 2 year old's hands circa 1950.

So, Chandie....It's nice to be back. Maureen and I have worked out our ways and after several visits to the doctors at Apple she seems to be doing much better, although I think she has a secret crush on Jose. I promise to spend more time with you, telling you the deepest, darkest secrets from my heart...I mean, closet.

Here is my peace offering to brighten up your pages: Abba, wear did you find those kitten tunics? MEOW!

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