Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bringing the Runway Poolside

Dear Females,

It's that time of year when we wish the snow would hurry up and just melt already so we could stop waking up early to jump start the car, hope the heat works, and jet off to work in hopes that the coffee actually has more coffee than water in it and all the other employees haven't sucked it all up before you get there. It's also the time of year we begin to worry about weight - because we've all stuck to our new years resolution for a whole 5 minutes - (if this is the case, you and i need to talk, my friend, Kayce, just took a genetic test that tells you how you need to be working out and what you need to be eating based on your genes, not the diets of society, she's dropped a size, pretty cool huh?) so we can fit in the swimsuits we google while we are suppose to be acting as busy little bees in our cubicles. I myself am on a new jim, I mean gym, routine and i'm not gonna lie, i'm pretty darn excited about a pretty new suit in the future...a new smaller, slimmer, cuter suit....and this year there is no other way to go than retro. Here are my top picks.

for the fashionable seamstress: whip up your own with this glam pattern

Michael Kors

you simply cannot done the suit without the hat

how do you pick?

The ancestors to these poolside beauties: 


Don't forget your sunnies and your heels! 


1 comment:

  1. Retro suits being back is the only thing that will save the curvy girls like me!I so want one this season....if I have somewhere to wear it.


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