Happy New Years Eve! With the festivities kicking off in just a few short hours I am just now realizing that I never really found the proper party attire. I found the good but not the great. My planning was shameful. Regardless, I am excited about the little number I will be sporting. We'll call it "plan B" although there never was an "A". Plan B doesn't know this though and it is really charming so let's not hurt it's feelings. A lover of accessories, I feel sure that this will still be a knockout.
Now, if I could only find the right tights! (my parents bear sized yellow Labrador Retriever has made sure my current pair of black tights made their way back into my luggage with lucious lockes of his blonde hair evenly and completely dispursed about them). In addition, the weather has slowed our travels (all 9 hours of them) and we are left in a bit of a New Years rush! So here's my plan:
1. Call Target and state that I am the personal assistant for Demi Lavato (I have to pick someone from the Disney Channel because I'm small and no one would believe I need a size xsmall tights and small leopard print fur coat --I need that too-- for Taylor Swift or Britney Spears. I'm over Mylie (or so I say) and never was a fan of Ashley Tisdale, so Lavato it is...she just seems like someone I could share a wardrobe with...a VERY large wardrobe.)
2. Request said tights- black and sparkly, please and thank you.
3. Request said coat.
4. State that I will be by shortly with my driver to pick them up at the checkout for Miss Lavato. Since my husband drives an H2 I doubt it will be difficult for anyone to believe that the Disney Princess herself is in fact inside the tinted, all black, tank.
5. Pick up fantastic garments in record time and continue the snowy journey to our destination where I will brilliantly whip up a most impressive ensemble of lace, sparkles, shimmer and shine. Toss on some cheeky black pumps, tip my hat to 2009 and elegantly take my much awaited seat at the stage production of Dreamgirls, to which I have tickets this evening.
It's looking more and more like I may be thanking the dim evening lights for not highlighting my dog haired tights too noticably.
But then again, I could totally pass as a Disney Channel tweenie bopper or at least an assistant.