My work day has come to a close and I have successfully answered more emails than I care to count. My eyeballs are feel like a dragon has been breathing on them for the past 4 hours or maybe as if I've been staring at the core of the sun for the same amount of time. Regardless, I took on the emails today and I conquered. These emails were customer service related, (since Blake and I own and operate our own business, I have taken on the task of email writer-backer-extraordinare!) and in the process I realized I have a very strong love/hate relationship with this particular email account.
The fact of the matter is that I love our customers and I want so much to spend time answering their questions and fulfilling their needs, just as a mother raises her children. But, just as a mother raises her children, sometimes I want to spank them and tell them to think before they speak. Harsh? Raise you're hand if you've ever worked in customer service. Let me here a "Hallelujah!" If you are reading this and you are one of my customers, I probably love you very much and certainly appreciate you but if I get one more email asking if something is in stock, when clearly it says on the website that it is not, I will be forced to put you in time out, so help me, God.
On another note, these kodak moments were captured last weekend and have officially made their public debut:
Blake and I obviously at at Ugly Christmas Sweater party. Do you really think he'd put on a sweatshirt adorned with Caroling Kittens for any other reason?
It's really too bad you can't see Kayce's horrendous gold leggings in this photo.
I. Have. No. More. Words.
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